The Gates Mills Police Department is a community orientated, full-service Police Department. Here are some of the services that we are able to provide to our Village residents:
Welfare Checks: We conduct daily scheduled welfare checks on Village residents who request this service, either due to illness, age, disability or any other medical need. Every day, at a predetermined time, our Police Dispatcher calls any Village resident who signs up for this service to ensure that they are all right. If they cannot be reached by phone, for whatever reason, one of our Police units is dispatched to personally check the welfare of the resident.
Vacation House Watch: If a Village resident is away from their home for a period of time, they can notify us, prior to leaving, and we will conduct security checks of the premises, several times a day, at intermittent intervals.
Medication Drop Off: Not only does Gates Mills participate in the National Drug Take Back Day twice a year but we also offer a year round service of taking in old, expired or unwanted medications (no creams or liquids). A drug drop-off box is located by the side entrance of Village Hall.
Fingerprinting: *Ink fingerprinting service is available to Village Residents or those who work in the Village. Fingerprinting is available by appointment only, on Fridays, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Call 440-423-4405 to schedule.*Must be able to walk down stairs and must provide your own fingerprinting cards.
In addition to these services and the many others not stated on this page, we provide Drug Awareness Resistance & Education (D.A.R.E.) classes in all three of our schools, conduct home security inspections upon request and engage in public speaking and awareness campaigns upon request.
If you have any questions regarding any of the services that are available to you, you can contact us at (440) 423-4405 or e-mail us at [email protected].