Currently within the Village, are two historic cemeteries for village residents. The North Cemetery is located on Chagrin River Road near Sherman Road and dates from 1810 and was part of a family farm. Originally it contained 1.25 acres until 1969 when it was expanded to 2.93 acres.
The South Cemetery is on Chagrin River road just south of Old Mill Road and once served as a private cemetery for the Dean family. Originally it contained two acres and was increased to three acres in 1957.
The Gates Mills Cemetery Committee takes pride in the appearance of the North and South Cemeteries. To maintain their beauty, the committee reminds the lot owners of the following rules:
No artificial plants
All plantings are to be simple
No myrtle or ivy
The headstone must remain uncovered
Planting is by permission only
The lot owner must maintain his own plantings
For plot availability please contact the Finance Administrator at 440-4232-4405 x 126.